Athletes Horses Club/Stable Class Status
Abdalla Hamad Ali Al Kirbi QUINTANO K VAN'T KATTENHEYE Z Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Abdalla Hamad Ali Al Kirbi DION Z Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Abdel Aziz Abdel Nasir Al Owais DYNORO Al Safinat Stables 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Abdulla Mohammad Abdulla Belhoul CASPER AJ Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible
Ahmed Abdalla Binkhadim SUPERTRAMP SR Z Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Ahmed Abdalla Binkhadim ARTIST DE CAPUCINE Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Ali Abdalla Bin Khadim BIG BEN VAN DE BERGHOEVE Z Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Ali Abdalla Bin Khadim JACKSON DE LASCA Z Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Ali Hussain AlNowais HOLLISTER NEUFMANOIR Abu Dhabi Equestrian Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Ali Hussain AlNowais NARCOS VD SMIDSHOEVE Abu Dhabi Equestrian Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Ali Khalfan Al Jahouri QIERON ACHTERHOEK Al Wathba Stables 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Ali Khalfan Al Jahouri QUANTUM LEAP Al Wathba Stables 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Ali Mufrrej Ali Mohamed Alkarbi SAGA DE LA ROQUE Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Ali Mufrrej Ali Mohamed Alkarbi AIR UKRAINE Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Alia Humaid BinDrai KINKY BOY Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Alya Adnan Awadh Almheiri CENTO DU ROUET Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible
Anoud Abdalla Sultan Al Mulla CALINE DU PLESSIS Ajman Equestrian Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Anoud Abdalla Sultan Al Mulla ETOILE DE MASSIGNAC Ajman Equestrian Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Arhama Saif Sultan Al Awani APOTHEOSE Z Boudheib Equestrian Academy 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Beatrice Girardi ELVIRA DE BORNIVAL Z Ajman Equestrian Club 0-Masterlist Rejected
Eman Al Saffar JADE HPE Al Bahiya Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Eman Al Saffar HAYATE D'OZEE Al Bahiya Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Fahad Ibrahim Abdalla AlHarmoudi FREE CORE Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Fatima Intan Yousuf Abdullah Al Mulla ISKI Al Habtoor Polo & Equestrian Club 0-Masterlist Eligible
Hafsa Medhat Al Hebsi ATOS DE KERGLENN Al Bahiya Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Hamad Alnuaimi WEST SIDE COUNTESS Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Hamad Ali Al Kirbi CASCALL Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Hamad Ali Al Kirbi MACHO BH Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Hamad Sultan Alyahyaee GOOD LUCK II Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Hazza Hamad ALDhaheri ELOY Abu Dhabi Police Cavalary 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Hazza Hamad ALDhaheri GEDIWI D'ARDELAY Abu Dhabi Police Cavalary 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Ibrahim Fahad Alharmoodi JASPER Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Moftah Jawhar Aldhaheri ADEN DE LA ROSE Abu Dhabi Police Cavalary 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Moftah Jawhar Aldhaheri CAP SUR FLOREVAL Z Abu Dhabi Police Cavalary 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Mohamed Bakheet Al Qubaisi COCOTTE MINUTE Boudheib Equestrian Academy 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Mohamed Hamad Ali Al Kirbi ISOLA FFA Z Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Mohamed Hamad Ali Al Kirbi CHANTAL Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Mohamed Hamad Ali Al Kirbi EDELWEISS DE GROOM Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Withdrawn
Mohamed Hasan Al Masawi EXPRESS DE LAPLEURRE Boudheib Equestrian Academy 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Mohamed Majed Sultan Al Awani Alnuaimi DOOLIN BAY OLD Abu Dhabi Equestrian Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Mohamed Majed Sultan Al Awani Alnuaimi CHARLY BRAUN Abu Dhabi Equestrian Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Mohamed Shafa Mohamed Saleh Abdalla LEVITA Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Mohamed Shafi Mohamed AlRemeithi CARAMBA Boudheib Equestrian Academy 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Mohamed Shafi Mohamed AlRemeithi COSALL SR Boudheib Equestrian Academy 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Mohammad Al Ghurair IKAROS Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Mohammed Abdulla Al Kumaiti DA VINCI K Ajman Equestrian Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Mohammed Sultan Alkaabi DIAMANT DE KERARROUAN Al Forsan Sports Resort 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Moufi Owaida Alkarbi DELPHINE VON ROCHERATH Z Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Moufi Owaida Alkarbi BILLY TIARA Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Naser Ali Aljneibi ETOILE DE VIOLAINES Abu Dhabi Police Cavalary 0-Masterlist Eligible
Naser Ali Aljneibi PATONN DU MORION Abu Dhabi Police Cavalary 0-Masterlist Eligible
Nawader Omar Saeed Alnabooda 1st Queen Al Forsan Sports Resort 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Noora Abdulrahman Saif Jasim Alshamsi CASADORA 6 Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Omar Abdulaziz Almarzooqi REMARKABLE II Al Shira'a Stables 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Omar Abdulaziz Almarzooqi HOTESSE DE MAZURE Al Shira'a Stables 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Omar Abdulla Hadi Ahmed Alhussaini CAMPINO MR Nine Valleys Stable 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Omar Abdulla Hadi Ahmed Alhussaini CASH BLUE PS Nine Valleys Stable 0-Masterlist Eligible
Rashed Mohamed Alremeithi HERMES DE MARIPOSA Boudheib Equestrian Academy 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Rashed Mohamed Alremeithi LATOUR B. Boudheib Equestrian Academy 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Saeed Mohamed Almaazmi MRS ANNELIE Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Saif Owaida Mohammed Alkarbi DINCKY TOY Z Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Saif Owaida Mohammed Alkarbi HUI BUH 21 Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Saleh Mufrrej Ali Mohamed Alkarbi ESPRESSO Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Saleha Al Ketbi ELTON Al Forsan Sports Resort 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Salem Hamad Aljneibi SALSA Al Bahiya Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Salim Ahmed Alsuwaidi ANNIE S OF THE LOWLANDS Z Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Salim Ahmed Alsuwaidi BLITZ ALZ Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Salim Khamis Alsuwaidi DIAVISTO Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Saud Mohamed Almaeeni KARTOUCHE MZ Al Forsan Sports Resort 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Shaikh Ali Jamal Al Nuaimi CHA PETICARE PS Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Shaikh Ali Jamal Al Nuaimi AMARILLO Z Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Shaikh Khalid Sultan Khalid Sultan Alqasimi EXCALIBUR 3 Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Shaikh Khalid Sultan Khalid Sultan Alqasimi CHAC - LISCO Z Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Shaikh Majid Abdulla Alqassimi DON'T KISS II VD ZUURHAEGE Z Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible
Shaikha Latifah Ahmed ALMAKTOUM AL BAHIE Emirates Equestrian Centre 0-Masterlist Eligible
Shaikha Latifah Ahmed ALMAKTOUM GHARAM Emirates Equestrian Centre 0-Masterlist Eligible
Shamma Mohamed Ateeq Alhameli CARRERA DU HOULBEC Abu Dhabi Equestrian Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Sheikh Mohammed Jamal Nasser Rashid Alnuaimi FELINE PEGUIGNON Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Sultan Alnuaimi V.I.P. STAKKADON Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Sultan Ahmed Al Tabali FLYING HIGH DE LA RIVIERE Boudheib Equestrian Academy 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Sultan Majed Al Awani HEMESIS ARMOR Boudheib Equestrian Academy 0-Masterlist Eligible
Sultan Majed Al Awani Dealer II Boudheib Equestrian Academy 0-Masterlist Eligible
Sultan Mohamed Almarzooqi Aljneibi TINKY DE L'O Z Abu Dhabi Police Cavalary 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Sultan Mohamed Almarzooqi Aljneibi GIBSY Abu Dhabi Police Cavalary 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Wadeema Ahmed Naser Al Raisi OSIRIS EQUIGENNE Abu Dhabi Police Cavalary 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment
Zainab Ali Al Saffar CAYENNE DU HOULBEC Al Bahiya Club 0-Masterlist Eligible Eligible but not accepted due to payment