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terms and conditions


You must be agree by applying for the new account registration in the records of the UAE Equestrian and Racing Federation (UAEERF) and Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) abide by the following:

  • The approval process can take up to 48 hours.
  • The information you entered to register are correct.
  • Your account will never be deleted and will be kept as a reference in our records, however, you may request to deactivate your UAEERF account by sending an email to explaining the reasons for deactivation.
  • Never send spam or any other unauthorized email.
  • Not impersonate any person or communicate under a false name or a name not entitled or authorized to use.
  • Termination. We may terminate your access to our Site for any reason. If you have had your account suspended, do not create a replacement account that engages in similar activity.

All Users shall use the Services in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. Users may not use the Services unless they agree to these Terms and Conditions.

Users register any authentication information when using the Services, they must exercise due care in handling such information at their own responsibility to ensure that such information is not used in an unlawful manner. UAE Equestrian and Racing Federation may treat any and all activities conducted under the authentication information as activities that have been conducted by the User with whom the authentication information is registered.

UAE EQUESTRIAN AND RACING FEDERATION reserves the right to delete any account that has been inactive

UAE EQUESTRIAN AND RACING FEDERATION reserves the right to modify, at UAE EQUESTRIAN AND RACING FEDERATION's discretion, all or part of the Services as UAE EQUESTRIAN AND RACING FEDERATION determines necessary anytime without any prior notice to Users.

UAE EQUESTRIAN AND RACING FEDERATION reserves the right to limit access to all or part of the Services by Users depending upon conditions that UAE EQUESTRIAN AND RACING FEDERATION considers necessary, such as the age and identification of User, current registration status, and the like.

The Services may contain services or Contents provided by third parties other than UAE EQUESTRIAN AND RACING FEDERATION. Such third parties shall bear all responsibility regarding such services and/or Contents. Furthermore, there may be terms or use or other terms and conditions provided by such third party which are applicable to such services and Contents.

Users shall abide by the conditions applicable thereto when using the Subject Contents which are subject to conditions of use, such as additional fees and periods of use and the like

We will collect the following Personal Data:

  • Information that you provide to us such as your phone number that you register at the time of creating an account, and profile information that you set at the time of using our Services and it will be used to enhance our services however we deemed necessary
  • Information related to your status of use of our Services such as the text, image, video and other contents that you post, and your access log and it will be used to enhance our services however we deemed necessary
  • Information collected externally such as information to be collected via a UAE EQUESTRIAN AND RACING FEDERATION App plug-in installed in a third-party app, such as “third party mobile application or any other organization related to the equestrian sport”
  • Public information containing Personal Data such as on the UAE Equestrian and Racing Federation news published on the internet

We will collect the following types of Personal Data in providing our Services. If you do not provide certain types of information such as your phone number which needs to be registered for using our Services, you may not be able to use all or a part of our Services.

We automatically collect information related to when and how you used our Services. The collected information includes the status of use of various features such as the date and time that you activated our individual apps, length of time that you used our individual services, results of searches conducted in the apps, additional services that were purchased, and contents and ads that were viewed or tapped.

We will collect information related to the device, browser, and the app that you are using (ad identifier for identifying the device/browser, Cookie ID and device type, OS, language/time zone setting, browser type, app version, etc.), and network information (telecommunications carrier’s name, IP address, etc.).

We may also associate the collected ad identifier with the Internal Identifier.

We may collect Personal Data from third parties including our group companies (referring to our subsidiaries or affiliates, wherein the definition thereof includes domestic and overseas subsidiaries and affiliates according to the “Regulation on Terminology, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Financial Statements” of UAE; hereinafter the same).

We may collect your Personal Data from our business partners. There are cases where we collect Personal Data from a business partner operating its own service, and from a business partner operating a service that is linked to our Services such as an official account or UAE EQUESTRIAN AND RACING FEDERATION App login.

In addition, we may obtain information such as your identifier (Internal Identifier, ad identifier etc.), one-way encrypted (hashed) email address and telephone number, IP address, part of your device information (OS, etc.), your attribute information and your action history, including your purchase and browsing history, from our business partners, in order to use the same for both sending official account messages from our business partners and distributing ads, as well as measuring ad effectiveness, creating and providing statistical information and for other purposes.

We will collect public information, such as on UAE Equestrian and Racing Federation news published on the internet, for use in search services, etc.
If the collected public information contains Personal Data, we may use such information for registration in the search engine index or display of search results.

We will use Personal Data for the following purposes:
● Provision and maintenance of services;
● Development and improvement of services and contents;
● Prevention of unauthorized use such as unauthorized access; and/or
● Provision of contents optimized for you.

We use Personal Data to provide our Services to users, for utilization in research and development to provide safer and better services, and to provide services that are strongly linked to users, including ads. We will not process the Personal Data we obtain beyond the scope of the purposes of use, except to the extent that consent has been obtained from you or as permitted by the Applicable Laws. In addition, we will take appropriate measures to ensure that Personal Data is not used for any other purpose. The specific uses of Personal Data are as follows.

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